Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Like a Lion

Chippy and I are becoming fast friends. I say this because we worked out together yesterday and I actually found myself liking her. I am not sure if she is following me or what--but I keep running into her at the gym. Either she is there all the time or we are destined to be friends. She even said she would go on some training walks with me. I know her real name, but I'll just call her Chippy in case I end up becoming REAL friends with her. I almost, and I stress almost, told her about this blog. Something in my heart told me to stop. I am not sure she would understand. Still, she is a good ol' gal and I find myself hating her less everyday.

I'm having to bring the girls to the daycare at the Y and I am not sure how I feel about it. I don't think they take Ellie out of her seat at all unless she cries and needs attention. While I don't think this hurts her, I feel bad that she might get ignored unless she is crying. It's usually really busy in there. My older girls like it just fine--they are spitfires and can handle just about anything--but I do worry about my wee one. Nothing has made me gasp, or think that the place is unsafe, so I am going to just see how it unfolds.

I simply have to start walking more. I've been doing well at cardio, but that isn't going to cut it for the 3Day. I need slow-paced, long-distance endurance. 20 miles is a long, long way. For three days. I am stuck on how to get these long walks in without a jog stroller. It will work out, I know it. I just have to trust this process. The garage sale gods will be good to me, I can feel it. They say that I will find a good, inexpensive jog stroller in the near future at a yard sale.

I lived at the Findhorn Foundation in northern Scotland when I was 20. I was going through some old photo albums and came across a picture of a sign they had. It's a regular red stop stop sign with the word "worrying" under the word "STOP." I'm finding that to be useful advice these days. Stop worrying. It will all work out. Everything.

Tonight I have an offical 3Day meeting in T-town. I assume they will tell me how to fundraise (little do they know the force I have behind me!) and get my butt in gear with training. I'll let you know if there is anything new and exciting to share--which I am sure there will be!

I want to close today with an appeal to those of you out there who have been touched by breast cancer. Yes, I am walking to honor all who have fought the good fight. Some have won and some have not. I want to know their stories. I do not have experience with breast cancer--I know OF people who have been touched. My grandmother, whom I am not on speaking terms with, won her battle. Her sister, my great-aunt Jackie did not. I know these women but have not fought with them. I need to connect to this cause more than in my head. My head is in the game--I'm training, I'm helping out with the Avengers--but my heart needs to be as well.

Please, if you feel comfortable, share your stories with me. Maybe I can post some of them here so that our sisters around the world can understand that breast cancer isn't just the name of a disease: within the letters of those two terrible words are the names of all who have sought to conquer this terrible enemy.

When we share the stories of our warrior sisters, we immortalize them. To the dead, we give life. We give strength to those in the midst of battle. To those not touched by the disease, we bestow education so they will know what the enemy looks like if it should attack their own body.

You can share your story with me at: jessestar at net-venture dot com, but replace the word "at" with an "@" sign and a "." for the word dot. No spaces.


PS We still need some superheroes: Be a Fiber Arts Avenger

PSS Doesn't someone want to be the very first to donate to the Fiber Arts Avengers? Think of the fame and glory involved with being the very first one to donate.


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