Tuesday, February 22, 2005


I hate them. There are too many of them, too many reminders of an unorganized life, of things mis-placed. They are also hopeful: hidden treasures, sweet memories and the stuff of everyday life. Like them or not, I have more than my share to tackle this first week in our new home.

The weekend was spent trying to get from one place to another, keep the kids sane and safe and, for me at least, not rip anyone's head off. I tend to get a little punchy these days. It's good to have the 3 Day to think about and plan for. No matter how wrapped up in my everyday I get, knowing that I have this huge commitment out there--a comittment bigger than me or anything I am doing right now, makes me pause and reassess.

So I'm back on track today. I have officially lost 20 lbs since I began keeping track on January 2. Did I mention that my husband's family is having a friendly little contest? Whomever can lose the greatest percentage of body fat by June 15th will be declared the Biggest Loser and win big: a dollar a pound for every person that is playing (there are five of us) and wish granted by the other partipants. My father-in-law has lost the most so far, but I am not sure about who is in the lead percentage-wise. I have lost a lot of weight--20 lbs is nothing to sniff at--but I don't really feel like I've lost that much. Still, my clothes fit better and I do feel more limber.

This week's plan: the gym three days and two walks. I'd like to get 10 miles under my belt this week.

Perhaps my humor will return after I stop being so cranky. Here's to hopin.



Blogger Pamelamama said...

Keep yer chin up girly xoxo pam

9:27 PM  
Blogger Cynthia said...

20 lbs? that is fantastic. What a great accomplishment. You should be proud of yourself. Very proud!

9:22 AM  

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